Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thailand Flood Relief 2011

Smiles on Wings’ Thailand Flood Relief Mission is underway.  The plane left Chiangmai with loads of supplies for 100 families and dog food for dogs that were rescued by shelters.  The plane will land in Loburi and wait for the team to travel from Chiangmai in our four-wheeled drive truck with additional supplies.  The volunteers will  work with the local army team and distribute supplies by boats in Ayudhaya area.  We thank our Thai team.  They have worked hard in the last weeks to prepare for the mission.  Godspeed to them.  We will update you next week with the report.  Thank you for your donations.  Our next relief mission, if necessary, will be in December.  The mission in January is planned with team of volunteers from the US, England and Thailand.  Please visit our website for more information.